Ban abortions after a fetus can feel pain | Bud Meyers, May 24, 2023

At a recent CNN town-hall, Donald Trump was asked if he would support a national ban on abortions if a bill landed on his desk. It was the only question I ever remember him dodging, and who can blame him? Abortion, slavery and the Vietnam War are subjects that divided this nation for generations. But this is what Trump could have said.

Fetus feels pain at 12 weeks.

Leaders shouldn't impose their morals or any other personal beliefs onto others, they can only provide guidance and lead by example. A President is the leader of EVERYONE, not just for those who agree with him or her on most of the issues, despite their own personal or religious beliefs. To do so otherwise, to force their own will onto others, is authoritarian. Democracy allows THE PEOPLE to decide, and the leader carries out their duties of enforcing the THE PEOPLE'S will, not their own. Majority rules, but minorities' rights must be protected as well.

On the subject of abortion, babies-unborn children-embryos have every right to live as the person reading this, but these humble life's beginnings don't yet have the right to vote in America. They must be outside their mother's womb for 18 years. Democrats want that age to be lower (16) when teenagers are less informed and easier to manipulate. But I digress.

Based on most polls and everything I've heard from advocates on both sides of the issue (pro-life and pro-choice), most people who are considered "extreme" in both political parties agree that a total ban on all abortions, and even at 6 weeks (like Ron DiSantis' 6 week abortion ban) is very extreme. While on the other side of the issue, the vast majority of people in both parties consider butchering a baby just hours before birth is also very extreme (it's called infanticide).

Many Red States were quick to pass strict abortion bills immediately after the Roe v Wade decision was reversed by SCOTUS before THE PEOPLE of those States could vote for a State legislature who agreed with their opinion on abortion. Many GOP strategists (myself included) believe that State Governors such as Ronald DiSantis and Kristi Noem (who had a total ban on the books that immediately kicked in when Roe v Wade was overturned. (Maybe if a man looked at a woman wrong, THAT could be illegal too, and it could get YOU banned from the State of South Dakota.) I, and others, thought this quick action was a huge reason for Republicans having such a weak turnover in the 2022 mid-term elections — and nothing at all to do with Trump endorsements, something the Democrats and RINOs used to attack Trump. But I digress (again).

In a very divided nation on a very divided moral and legal issue, the country MUST come to a compromise, and a federal law could be enacted (not an amendment to the U.S. Constitution) that could to set a base-line for State legislatures. If and when THE PEOPLE deicide to change or kill the law, they can vote for members of Congress who support their opinion, because over time, opinions change—they ebb and flow like the oceans during the lunar cycles.

Using a term that Bill Maher coined called "presentism", judging people who lived 200 years ago (or 2,000 years ago) based on today's rules, laws, norms, social values and beliefs and what was considered acceptable and "civilized" values, slavery was considered somewhat "normal" in ancient times (just as rape was in pre-historic times); but is now considered one of the worse humanitarian crimes that can be inflicted on any human being. Most countries progressed. America was one of the first countries to outlaw slavery and fought a Civil war over the issue (which was just as much economic as it was racist). Media such as MSNBC and CNN feeds the racist divide, and some colleges (such as UC Berkeley) are practicing segregation with "Black Only" graduations . . . but I digress (again).

Now we have another moral issue to resolve: Abortion. Scientists on both sides on the political divide have concluded that unborn babies can feel pain at 15 weeks, and to deliberately make one of God's living creatures feel pain without any moral reason in an admonition (e.g. Dr. Fauci and Beagle puppies.) And these scientists say that in some cases the unborn may feel pain as early as 12 weeks. So for a federal baseline, why can't congress pass a law restricting abortions at 3 months (leaving the incest and rape rule as a separate issue). This should give women time to realize a pregnancy and to make plans. And it could be later, but only if the life or health of the women is truly at risk. (Preferably, free birth control pills and contraception for everyone old enough to reproduce, because you could impose the death penalty for unmarried sex, but no one will ever stop having sex.)

Then if States wish to impose stricter laws on TOP of the 12-week limitation, then THE PEOPLE in each State can decide through their State legislatures if the "extremists" on BOTH sides of the aisle don't agree; but it won't matter, because they are a very tiny minority...and in a Republic where democracy rules governance, THE PEOPLE decide, not the government, nor a President. But he/she can veto any bill sent to him/her by congress, unless congress has a supper-majority.

So the bottom line is, no baby should have their arms and legs ripped off their torso and pulled out of their mother's womb after 12 weeks. It's inhumane. Maybe in the future, ALL slavery and ALL abortions will be eliminated from human civilization — that is, if an asteroid doesn't end the world first, because climate change is a hoax, but I digress (again!)

