Ban abortions after a fetus can feel pain | Bud Meyers, May 24, 2023
At a recent CNN town-hall, Donald Trump was asked if he would support a national ban on abortions if a bill landed on his desk. It was the only question I ever remember him dodging, and who can blame him? Abortion, slavery and the Vietnam War are subjects that divided this nation for generations. But this is what Trump could have said. Leaders shouldn't impose their morals or any other personal beliefs onto others, they can only provide guidance and lead by example. A President is the leader of EVERYONE, not just for those who agree with him or her on most of the issues, despite their own personal or religious beliefs. To do so otherwise, to force their own will onto others, is authoritarian. Democracy allows THE PEOPLE to decide, and the leader carries out their duties of enforcing the THE PEOPLE'S will, not their own. Majority rules, but minorities' rights must be protected as well. On the subject of abortion, babies-unborn children-embryos have every right to live as...